Monday 27 February 2017

Task 2 - Location Recci

Learning Outcome 2: Be able to plan and develop pre-production materials for an original media product to a client brief. (p3,m2)

Location Recci

Location for front cover and double page spread

Potential Location: Photo and address
Positives and Negatives
Castlewood Rd, New Barnet, EN4 9GEImage result for jcoss
·         Easily accessible
·         Lots of open space to choose from
·         Lots of contrast in colours which help decide exactly what photo and background you want
·         As it is outdoors, weather could harm equipment and time of shooting
·         As it is a public area, people can get in the way of the shot.
Macintosh HD:Users:18cburke:Desktop:Untitled.tiff
·         Lots of space
·         Easily accessible
·         Lots of people around who can get in the way of shot
·         Weather could harm photo

Conclusion: I will use JCoSS as the location because it is easily accessible and I know my way round so I can take the best photo possible.

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