Sunday 26 March 2017

P3- Permission Forms/Health an Safety

Actors/Model Permission Form:

I ______Adam Nahum________________ give permission for Callum Burke to use me as an image in their new media magazine product.

I also understand that this magazine we will be bought out to the public and am willing for my image to be on the magazine

Model Name ___Adam Nahum______________

Photographer/Producer Name _________Callum Burke_________________

Date _____20/03/2017__________

Location Permission Form:

I _________JCoSS____________ give permission to Callum Burke to use _____________JCoSS______________ as a location for his media magazine product.

I also understand that this location will be seen by the public and am willing for the location to be on the magazine.

Owner Of Location __________Mr Moriarty___________

Producer/Owner Of Magazine _________Callum Burke_______________

Date ________20/03/2017________

Health an Safety

All crew to wear appropriate clothing (no shorts) jeans or long bottoms are fine

All crew to wear appropriate footwear (no flip-flops, sandals) trainers are fine

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