Sunday 26 March 2017

P3- Production Materials


Both Front Cover and Double page spread completed and posted on Blogger

How does it feel being a successful grime artist?
Ye it feels sureal really, I was performing in front of small crouds of around 100 people only a couple of
months ago so to come this far and to recently perform infront of 10,000 people is just mind blowing and im so gratefull to everyone thats listened to my music and to get me to where I am today.”

What inspired you into making music and  becoming a grime artist?
Well my childhood  was miserable for me, I was kicked out of highschool , I suffered from bullying and my dad ran away when I was 4 years old so growing
up was hard for me, So the only way that I could escape from all the negativity  was to listen and write grime music and it got me through he bad times, so I thought I should start sharing some of my music to the public, so I did and look where I am now.

Why Grime music?
    Because I felt I coud relate to it the most, the lyrics
    and the music just made me feel positive and helped
    me leave all the negative thoughts behind and that
    really helped me throughout my childhood.

     How were you feeling as you were about to go
     on stage and perform for the first time?
    I was nervous but also excited, I knew what I had to do which
    was just go out there and give everything i got so the people
    would remember who I am.After my first gig I got a call a
    week later fro m a venue manager and he sad he would like
    me to perfrom in their upcoming event in front of 3,000 people
    whch was a big deal, so I must of done something right that night!.

Who were your inspirations when you were growing up?
    I listened to a lot of 50 cent, Lil Wayne, Eminem, and lots more,
    Ye they arent grime artists but their lyrics inspired meand kept
    me going and without that, I dont think I’d be where I am today
    so for that Im very grateful.

What do you see yourself doing in the future?
    I just want to carry on making music and perform for as
    long as I possibly can, its what I love to do and I cant see

    myself doing anything else in the future.

What was it like growing up in North London?
It was really tough for me and my mum, as I’ve said
my dad left when I was 4, so it was really hard
financially for my mum to provide for us.
The area we lived in was rough and not safe at all,
we lived in a council estate so there were lots of gangs,
drugs and multiple stabbings on a regular basis.
I was part of a gang, luckily I wasnt forced into
anything bad but I was taking drugs and I wasnt proud,
but I was influenced by my surroundings and I regret
it.Im just gratefull that I’m here now and starting a new
life and career.

What makes your music different from anything else?
My lyrics is what makes my music special and different from
 anything else, the lyrics are why i love making music because
because i can express my feeling and emotions in the lyrics which
helps me a lot.I'm just glad that some people feel the same when they
listen to my music and I'm glad that people enjoy listening to it.

Can you give us any exclusives into what you might be releasing next?
Unfortunately not, but what i can say is that it is going to be special and
i feel its my best yet, i hope everyone else will feel the same.

When you started as an artist, did you ever feel that you would become
this big?
No, i never imagined that i would become this successful, ye its nice to have
good pay and fame but to be honest none of that really bothers me. it was
always an ambition of mine to become an artist, not because of the money
or the fame but because i wanted everyone to know what I've been through,
and for them to look at me and say if he can do it, then i can. you know i get
a lot of people coming up to me and say "your my inspiration" or "you've helped
me get through hard times" and that is the best feeling in the world, to know that
I'm helping people that were in similar positions to me and just like 50 cent and Eminem
helped me, I'm helping them which is just amazing.

And finally, what does the future hold for Young-G?
I just want to carry on making music and perform for as long as i possibly
can, its what i love to do and i can't see myself doing anything else in the future.

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